CombiBreed Health Package for Cats – K500

CombiBreed Health Package for Cats – K500

Unlock the secrets of your beloved Cat’s DNA!

Dive into the intriguing world of your feline companion’s DNA with our comprehensive package. Discover the captivating world of their DNA, revealing valuable insights into both their health and distinctive traits.

Explore 65+ Health & Trait Conditions

Our advanced testing goes beyond the surface, identifying 65 key genetic health and trait conditions. Our comprehensive test guarantees that you can offer the optimal care for your beloved feline companion.

Delivery Time: 15-20 business days

170,09 NZD Incl. VAT

140,57 NZD Excl. VAT

Modify the quantity in your shopping cart if you wish to order multiple packages.

What’s included?

Health Conditions: Keep your cat healthy and happy with a thorough check. Find any genetic health issues early, so you can ensure their long-term well-being and even plan for breeding.

Trait Conditions: Discover what makes your cat unique. Learn about their coat colour, length, and patterns through our DNA test, which explores the genes that define their appearance.

We maintain a success rate of 95% for delivering the final Health report.

More information? Click here for our FAQs.

Last update 13.3.2024

How does it work?

Order in just a few clicks

Add the CombiBreed Health Package for Cats to your cart, and provide your and your cat’s details. This info aids in processing your order and will be part of your comprehensive health report. New to CombiBreed? Create an account for test result access in our online portal, unlocking insights into your cat’s health.

Collect DNA material

Follow the step-by-step guide provided in our swab kit, which includes 2 swabs. It’s a quick process that you can perform at home. Pack your swabs securely and send them to our laboratory. Ensure each swab is labeled with your cat’s name and chip or registration number to guarantee accurate processing.

DNA analysis

Our experts handle your dog’s genetic data with the utmost care, ensuring that every detail is meticulously examined. We go the extra mile to ensure reliability. Our rigorous quality checks are designed to provide you with results you can trust.

Results available

We’ll notify you via email when your results are ready for viewing in the CombiBreed online portal. Once a minimum of 50% of the results are available, you can log in to your account to access valuable insights online. When all tests are complete, you’ll receive the complete Health report of your cat in a PDF via email.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I consider DNA testing for my cat?

DNA testing can unveil crucial information about your cat’s health, breed-specific traits, and potential genetic risks. This knowledge empowers you to take proactive steps to ensure their overall well-being and longevity.

What is the difference between the CombiBreed breed-specific packages and the CombiBreed Health Package for Cats?

The CombiBreed packages have been put together for many cat breeds. The tests in these packages are all relevant to the breed. The Health package contains many tests that are relevant for common breeds. Do you only want to understand the genetic health conditions for your breed? Then we advise you to purchase a breed-specific package.

What is meant by breed-relevant DNA tests?

Not all DNA tests are relevant to all breeds. The breeds for which the test is suitable are described on the product page of each test. In the report of the CombiBreed Health Package for Cats, we also distinguish between breed-relevant tests and other tests based on the data you entered when purchasing.

If your cat carries a mutation that is not relevant to the breed, the result does not predict the chance that the condition or characteristic will or will not be expressed.

How do I know that you received my cat’s sample?

You will receive an email confirmation once we’ve successfully received your cat’s sample at our laboratory. This email will provide you with the assurance that the sample has been received and is in our care.

What precautions should I take before Collecting DNA material?

To ensure high-quality samples, it’s recommended to prepare your cat 1 to 2 hours before sampling. During this time, keep your cat separate from other animals and refrain from allowing them to eat or drink, except for water.

Is my information and my cat’s data safe with CombiBreed?

Yes, we take data privacy seriously. Your personal information and your cat’s data are treated with the highest level of confidentiality and security. Please refer to our privacy policy for more details.

Can I order multiple DNA health packages for different cats?

Absolutely! You can order multiple CombiBreed Health Packages for different cats and manage them all within your CombiBreed account for convenient access to their respective results. Add the package to your shopping cart and manage the quantity there as well.

Can I share my cat’s results with my veterinarian?

Absolutely! Sharing your cat’s genetic results with your veterinarian can facilitate more tailored healthcare plans. Use the pdf report with the results for this. You can share this with your vet by e-mail or printed.

Is collecting DNA material from my cat safe and painless?

Yes, collecting DNA material using the swab kit is completely safe and painless for your cat. It’s a non-invasive process that only requires swabbing the inner cheek.

How long should I wait after my cat has eaten before collecting the sample?

It’s recommended to wait 1 to 2 hours after your cat has eaten before collecting the sample. During this time, keep them separate from other animals and allow only water.

Can I use the CombiBreed Health Package for any breed of cat?

The CombiBreed Health Package for Cats is designed to cover every breed of cats. This means that regardless of your cat’s breed, you can benefit from the comprehensive genetic insights provided by the package. You’ll gain valuable information about your cat’s health, potential genetic risks, and other relevant traits, regardless of their specific breed. This inclusivity makes the DNA health package a versatile and valuable resource for all cat owners.

Is the DNA Health package suitable for kittens?

Yes, the CombiBreed Health Package for Cats can provide valuable insights into the health and potential risks of kittens as well, helping you lay the foundation for their well-being.

Why do I have to send in two Copan swabs from my cat?

Considering the extensive range of DNA tests included in our CombiBreed Health Package for Cats, we require a larger amount of DNA material compared to our other tests and packages. This necessitates the return of two swabs containing DNA material. Upon placing an order, you will receive a swab kit from us, which includes two Copan swabs and detailed sampling instructions.

I haven’t received results for all the DNA tests, but the report has already been finalized. Will I still receive results for these pending tests?

The package comprises over 65 DNA tests, and it’s possible that we may not be able to provide results for all of them initially. In cases where no results are available, we will initiate a retest to ensure we can deliver a result. We maintain a success rate of 95% for delivering the final Health report.

What does ‘No Result’ mean?

If a test results in ‘No result’, we cannot generate a reliable result. However, the sample is of sufficient quality to generate a reliable result for the other tests.

The reliability of the performed test is determined by repeated analyses. If the results differ from each other, we cannot report a reliable result. A ‘no result’ can also occur because a certain test does not gain a result, while tests performed in parallel do provide a reliable result.

If you still desire a result for this test, you can repurchase it in our webshop and send a new sample.

How will I know if I have collected enough DNA material for analysis?

While you might not see visible genetic material on the swabs, if you followed the instructions, you’ve likely gathered an adequate amount of DNA. Our lab conducts quality checks to ensure sufficient genetic material for analysis.

How can I stay updated on the progress of my order?

You will receive email notifications at key stages of the process, such as when your samples are received, when results are ready for viewing, and when your complete health report is available.

Can I collect the samples myself, or do I need professional assistance?

You can easily collect the samples yourself using the instructions provided in the swab kit. The process is designed for at-home use.

How will I receive my test results?

Once we receive your samples and analyse them, we’ll notify you via email when your results are ready. Log in to your CombiBreed account to access your results on the online portal. A complete health report will be emailed to you when all requested tests have results.

How do I get to your Online Portal?

Our online portal can be reached via your account in our CombiBreed webshop. Click on ‘Online Portal’ in the menu of your personal account. The first time we ask you to log in again to verify the user. Next time you can click directly on the link and you will immediately end up in our Online Portal.


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